martes, 23 de agosto de 2011


The main problems of adolescence are:

1) Missing values.2) lack ideals.3) lack role models.4) Lack of current interest.5) Lack interest in the problems of the country.6) Lack interest in solutions to these problems.7) lack interest in history.8) Lack education.

1 .-Values ​​in adolescence, as well as other things are an issue. While it is true that there are values, not the ones who should be present and that should encourage educators (parents and teachers in gral.). The current values ​​are among others:Leisure: Nobody wants to try but everyone wants. Which has many activities and is interested in them is a "gil" and that does nothing and no activity is motivated by a "boss."Ignorance (incredibly enough): Relations with the previous point we can say that it is not interested in anything is, each passing day, more ignorant. Then you are not interested in anything you do not learn anything, which learns nothing knows nothing, who knows nothing is ignorant, and ignorance is, as I said, a "capo".Stupidity (which is not the same as ignorance): Someone may be very smart academically but also be a very stupid person. How is this possible? While someone may be very learned can be swayed by the wrong values. Example: A young man who does not take any matter to perform in December but said that teachers would have liked to see him fail. Were exempted one of the best averages but does not strive to improve and apply their learning to actual reality. Or the worst case of all, who looks to pass as they leave school are the most important problems if their football team won the last date or if you can fight with the neighbor who you think it looked bad the other day .Machismo (applied to both sexes): To claim that he can fight harder and break things outside is a popular model is truly worrying. The one who can disrespect adults and their peers in a more "original" and insulting is going to be the leader of their group and this is a typical culture of our country.The ignorance: One who can speak worse, with the minimum amount of words, grammatical errors, which makes fun of reading a book that entertains, or rather hear that Johan Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven instead of cumbia slum is a typical teenager of today, and that's scary.
In short: to be a teenager today popular and "normal" we must be lazy, ignorant, stupid, inconsiderate, hostile, violent and uneducated.

2 .-Ideals are resulting values. With the correct person is oriented towards the right ideals and knows how to defend them. But if a person, to cite a common example, called himself a supporter of socialist ideas because the Communist guerrilla Che Guevara and Maradona was said that Che is the true hero of Argentina, forgetting Jose de San Martin, who freed us from Spanish empire and did not forget our brothers Domingo Faustino Sarmiento Latin American or that despite the many wrong things and educated the people of Argentina made sure that future generations have access to free public education ...without detracting from the merits of these claims of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, or even worse, but reveres Che is against communism, should be concerned about the timeliness of the teenage generation and future generations because of the inconsistency that is affecting you.
As a teenager I intend to take me and my fellow basic ideals: freedom, justice, education, culture, democracy, etc.. But I urge not to flag it or detract from the ideals of others.

3 .-Role models that  adopted teens are football players (not detract from the profession, sport or players, just my opinion that seek fame and fortune the easy way is what motivates young people to idolize football players), or groups of slum cumbia apologists of drugs and crime, or bands flying the rebel without cause and without foundation, or bands who have no other goal but to sell records and are absent from all kind of ideologies of any kind that lead adolescents to live in an uncertain world, oblivious to the cruel reality that affects the world today, or characters that are now participants in a scandal, and so on.Any model that relates the effort, labor, justice, peace, etc.. are forgotten by the youth. This is explained by the lack of values ​​and ideals.

4 .-The current interest denotes citizenshipRelating this to the above are the main problem of our country. Adolescents with access to education subtract interest and importance to the real current problems such as hunger, injustice, immorality, and so on. unbridled fun and prioritized, lack of control, lack of responsibilities and excesses of all kinds.

5/6.-If there is interest in current problems, there is no real interest in finding solutions. This is the case in our country, we can have fun while the other problems disappear. That is the concept that brought our country to the current situation and will be the cause of world destruction, and that while we have fun with beer, marijuana and women, those with real power is the power responsible for ensuring poorer the rest of the planet making uneducated and "fun" until one day the possibilities to have fun away and that's where we put the hue and cry and blame the politicians inefficient because we can not even eat.

7 .-If you do not know history, we can not know the errors of mankind. So we can not avoid making the same mistakes our ancestors. A quick glance through history we find situations that would swear have lived, to give an accessible example: when people in power were a lot of money the government laws favoring the rich, and when in government laws were kings favored the nobility, if however in both cases the laws forget the working class (Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth century). At present, if in power are people a lot of money (and you can not talk about government, because they do not represent the real power) laws favor the people in power and harms the working class working as true slaves (this is not very far from reality), and no monarch in power is the law favors people with economic power ....

8 .-"Teenagers today are a rude ... "As they say some of our neighbors and acquaintances ... but, unlike what they think these ladies are not because they are insulted, that's ignorance. They are rude because they are not interested in the 7 points above. They are rude because they are not interested in improving as people or improve the world. And they are rude because nobody was in charge of educating them properly.

Final conclusion: Today's teens have no solution? No, we are simply lost and need to find a way. Is that what way? The road is a concern but not despair about the current problems. Education, culture, respect and responsibility are very important factors to begin addressing the current problems. These factors should be proportional to the age of adolescents. Is God a way to find the way?Yes, all religions agree that God, Allah, Buddha, Jehovah, etc.. are the source of all good things on the ground then fulfilling God's will be doing good to the planet. But do not expect divine intervention in the problems because we're taking a big disappointment. God is not the solution to the problems, but his will, which should be the will of all men, because after all, who can not come to love the progress of humanity?
Today's teens have the same capacity as adolescents fifty years ago, and we have scientific advances that make our lives easier. The problem is orientation. We are confused, and guilt is not just ours. We can say, "is a rude" if we educated you are. If humanity destroys itself is not the fault of future generations, but those who have power at the expense of the oppressed classes, and make sure to take away the possibility of changing condition in the future because the greed and not invade want to lose the power they already have, instead, want to increase their power at the expense of us all current and future generations.

Julian E. Berg, 16, student of the College of Our Lady of Mercy, San Nicolas, Argentina

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